
Emergency Plan

Determination of the general functions, responsibilities and procedures for institutional… more


The presence of people; livelihoods; environmental services and resources; infrastructure; or… more

Financial Instruments/Financial Products

Fund transfer instruments between economic agents characterized by their liquidity, risk and… more

Financial Protection

This is the optimal combination of financi al mechanisms or instruments for risk retention and… more

Financial Protection Instruments

Financial instruments for the occurrence of disasters; they are classified as ex - ante… more


the capacity of societies to guide and organize their public and social institutions so that… more


Latent danger represented by the probable manifestation of a physical phenomenon of natural,… more

Levels of Government

It includes central government, autonomous and decentralized entities, state companies, local… more

Loss Exceedance Curve (LEC)

The LEC represents the annual frequency whereupon a determined economic loss will be exceeded.… more


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